欢迎团体客人!在好旬农场公园品尝 兵库县产的新鲜草莓
我们真诚期待您的光临。我们希望您能在 Yoshun Farm Park 享受大自然和美味草莓的美好时光。
每个星期五,周六,星期日, 星期一和公共假期
For groups of 20 or more, we can accommodate visits even on days when we are not normally open.
For more details, please feel free to contact us.
The prices below are reference prices from the 2023 fiscal year
Specific Days: Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and days designated by the Farm Park.
For group visits from schools, kindergartens, nurseries, etc., please contact us separately.
When participating, please pay special attention to the following points regarding footwear:
No Outdoor Shoes Allowed: To promote the healthy growth of crops and to maintain the facility, we do not allow outdoor shoes inside the Strawberry House. Please understand that you will need to remove your shoes upon entry.
Indoor Slippers Provided: We provide slippers for moving around inside the Strawberry House, but they are of the reusable type. We warmly welcome you to bring your own.
The strawberries at our farm are grown under natural conditions. Due to weather and growth conditions, we may change our business days, business hours, or reservations without notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and kindly ask for your understanding when visiting.
在Koshun Farm Park,我们提供三大主要服务:“农产品生产、加工和销售”、“农场运营”和温馨的“草莓采摘体验”。我们通过这些服务将大自然的恩惠带入您的日常生活。让我们一起享受令人惊叹的农场体验。
Himawari Yoshijun Farm Co., Ltd. 在兵库县大野市从事农产品的生产、加工和销售以及经营农场。公司致力于“农药减量”生产,真诚承诺好味道、健康、安全。公司还致力于实现可持续生产。
〒 675-1362
2351 Kuboki-cho, Ono-shi, 兵库县, 日本
Parking Information for Large Buses
At Koshun Farm Park, we have a dedicated parking area for large buses. Groups and those arriving in large vehicles can access our facility with ease. The parking area for large buses is located right next to the main parking lot. We look forward to welcoming you.